My first adventure walking to campus. It is a 25 minute walk when you know shortcuts and walk at a comfortable pace. It really wasn’t too bad, but I really don’t understand why I’m not picking up the streets like I did in the other countries I’ve been in. So Mom, I’m sorry for making fun of you, and Dad, I wish I didn’t brag about how awesome I was about finding my way around. But please, don’t say I told you so (even though I’m pretty sure you just did). I’m just hoping that I can find my way to campus when classes start on Monday.
The campus is nice and cozy, but what else should I expect when there are only 650 students (smaller than my graduating class!). So all of my classes are held in DeFehr (de fair) which means that I won’t have to run outside during the random rain shower to get to another class. I’ll save all that for running to and from campus during my half an hour walk. Then we had a talk with some important people from the University telling us how to succeed and to be aware of our cultural differences. Like when most of the class starts speaking Russian, they aren’t really talking about the “American”. It’s just like how in Spanish class, whenever we had the opportunity to talk in English (our native tongue) we milked it for all it was worth. Well, it’s the same for them.
And then we walked back to Karklu, but we took a different way so I couldn’t even test my memory to see if I could find my way back. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll survive somehow. I think one of my roommates stopped by today, cause there is a suitcase here and some bags. But she hasn’t come back yet tonight, so hopefully she will either come later or hopefully tomorrow??
August 28
The SA program took us to Nida (need-uh) today to give us a chance to get some air and just relax before the start of classes. We took a really short ferry ride across the lagoon, and then took about an hour bus ride to the city. I sat next to Donatas, a very nice local from Klaipėda who asked me about my accent!!! You cannot imagine how excited I was to hear that I have an accent. And Martha keeps telling me that I actually have a Jersey accent?? Even if you don’t think I do, lie and tell me that I do. Cause so far, I have failed miserably to pick up a British accent when I was in London, and I doubt I’ll pick up a Lithuanian one. But here’s for high hopes…
But anyway, we made it to Nida, and it was gorgeous. We walked along the water toward the sand dunes, and I really wanted to walk up the side of them but the sign told me not to. There were a lot of stairs to get to the top, but the view was more than worth it. It was a beautiful sunny day, which made it really easy to enjoy our time outside together. Then part of the group went shopping to grab some lunch and we walked over to the water to eat and sunbathe (even though we were all bundled up in jackets, it was still enjoyable). Then all too quickly we were back on the bus to return to Karklu and Neumann. At least we didn’t have anything else planned for tonight, which is nice in some aspects. Time to attempt to unpack and start settling in.
August 29
We went to Kretinga today to go to a contemporary Catholic service since it’s Sunday. Unfortunately, the mass was preached (I always want to say praught.. like taught, but it’s not…) in Lithuanian, but this is what I understood as Emas stood behind me whispering what the Father was saying. The least shall be placed first. It is better to think less of yourself so that others will raise you up rather than thinking too highly of yourself and having others put you down in your place.
We went out to lunch one last time as a group. I tried some gira, which is basically bread cider. No, that is not a typo. Gyra is a drink that is made out of bread, yet it has some sparkly taste to it. It was much better in small quantities and not the full liter that I got of it to drink. The group ordered kepta duona again for us, that addicting bread and cheese concoction. And for my meal I got chicken with lots of green beans and a potato and carrot mixture. It was wonderful, and I was finally full after eating. It was a normal sized portion like back home.
Good news!!! My roommates are here! Iryna and Yulia and Anna. But as the other two say, Anna got a better roommate cause she got married this summer ;) haha I thought this was hysterical. So sadly she will not be rooming with us, but now I have more space for all my crap. But they really liked my little bottle of blue sand with seashells that says Ocean City. Thank you Chelsea, Sam and Squini for helping me make this very important decision. It was a great icebreaker!
I can’t believe that classes start tomorrow. It’s not that I’m not excited for this semester, but I just really want the first week to already be over and done with.
Get a bike!