Monday, November 29, 2010

A Snowy Thanksgiving

Nov 22-24
Regular class days for me over here, though everyone back in the States is either already on break (starting from last Friday) or is going home today (Wednesday). I keep wanting to say ‘back home’, but for the next 3 1/2 weeks ‘home’ still refers to Klaipėda. Today was my last Lithuanian quiz EVER, now that’s a scary thought. We have presentations next week and then preparation for our final exam the week after. Wow, how time is absolutely flying!

Nov 25
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I was not thankful to have an exam today, but at least my professor canceled class for today and pushed back our paper until Tuesday. It gave me extra time to attempt to make the green bean casserole that I was in charge of for the study abroad Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I have never made it before, let alone with different ingredient styles than what I would have used if I was in the States. I got most of what I needed and with help from Mom, improvised on the rest. I had the normal green beans and onions, but the rest was going to be tricky. I used cream of mushroom soup and added flour and hot water to try and make it thicker, crushed pecans thanks to James’ and Gabby’s suggestion, and then creamy forest mushroom potato chips to substitute for the French fried onion topping.

After scrambling to get everything put together, I rushed off to go take my exam. I think it went pretty well, but I never accurately predict how I do, so we’ll see how this turns out. But at least it’s over, and I finished in enough time to bake the casserole myself. With crossed fingers I put the casserole into the oven and hoped it would have enough time to cook but wouldn’t burn due to my lack of use with this particular oven. As 5 o’clock approached, the casserole at least smelled delicious! I met up with Gabby and Calvin and we went downstairs to meet the rest of the Neumann people and then wait in Defehr to drive over to Emas’ house for our wonderful dinner.
 And how wonderful it was! Everyone did a superb job at making everything: James and Steph Mings tackled the turkey, Mike had mashed potatoes, Steph Shelly made baked corn, Gabby and Calvin made 3 trays of stuffing (much to everyone’s joy!), I had the green bean casserole, Maksat made a traditional Asian style dish of rice, carrots and chicken, Heather brought French bread, Bekzhan and Nastya supplied the drinks, Martha made apple pie, Lauren brought cookies, Derek brought fruit cake, and Natalija made apple crisp and pumpkin pie, of course with ice cream to put on top. The best part of the whole night? The stream of compliments flying across the table from person to person about their dish. It was a true sense of community and support.

What am I thankful for?
Having parents that support me. My dad told me to bomb (fail) my exam so that I would stop being as stressed as I was- and in the process related it to one of my favorite football (soccer) games ever.
Having brothers that miss me. I love the relationships that have grown between us throughout the years. I never would have believed anyone when I was younger, but I love them so much.
Having the best study abroad group I could have ever imagined. The community we have built up together is really special, and I have been truly blessed to have met all of them.
Creating all the new friendships with people here. They have made it incredibly special, and they’ve helped me understand a different way of living.
Having amazing friends back home who miss me. Also for everyone else who has been praying for me since the beginning of this trip. I have felt all of those prayers, and I’m having the time of my life.
Having a snowy Thanksgiving in Lithuania!
Nov 26
It was a pretty quiet Friday, the sidewalks were slippery from the compacted frozen snow. LCC had a sponsored Talent Show night that was a lot of fun to go to. And, as Steph was very proud of me, I finally rode the bus home. I’ve been too stubborn to go out and buy a bus pass because the beginning of the month wasn’t very cold. But now with the addition of snow, these last few days are going to be a challenge to get through, and then I will probably get a bus pass for December. I heard rumors of it getting down to –17 here, which is around 1 degrees… Not fun. But the sunset was beautiful today, so I made Mārtiņš stop so I could take a picture.
Nov 27
Dare I say today was another attempt at being productive? I feel like it’s a game of catch up and get ahead at the same time. There are only two more weeks of classes, and next week is pretty quiet which means that in two weeks my life will explode. Wish me luck…

Nov 28
Same old, same old. Somehow my Saturdays are never as productive as I plan them to be, then I spend all day Sunday wishing I had finished everything on Saturday, so I end up still not finishing all my work. You gotta love the logic of procrastination.

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