Friday, December 17, 2010

Time Flies, and Now So Do I

Dec 13
My Lithuanian verbal exam went well enough, I didn’t freak out during my short speech, though Mārtiņš will be the first to make fun of me for being worried before it. It was a funny final, but one I’m certainly happy is over and done with. Unfortunately, I don’t think the written part went as well. But, to make myself feel better, no matter how much more I would have studied for it, I still wouldn’t have been ready.

After that horrible final was over, Calvin mentioned that he wanted to get some Charlie’s Pizza, but for a different night. Steph, Gabby and I were able to convince him otherwise, so we headed out for dinner. Now, there is something to be said for the sidewalks and roads and how well they’re shoveled or plowed… The fact of the matter is, they’re not. And under the nice soft fluffy snow (which is also false, it’s very soft slush that does not let your foot get any grip while you’re walking, so you’re constantly slipping and sliding all over the sidewalk) there is a layer of the most slippery ice I have ever experienced. Unfortunately, Lietuva was able to claim another victim, as walking back from Charlie’s Pizza, the snow stopped agreeing with my feet and I took a very nice and graceful trip to become better acquainted with the ground. Luckily enough, Steph and Calvin got to see the entire show and of course showed great sympathy to my failed attempt at walking (aka laughed hysterically as I laid there in the street in stunned disbelief and anger that I finally lost to the snow of Lietuva).

Unfortunately, from that point my night could only get worse (go figure). I had the wonderful pleasure of studying for my Motivation and Emotion final tomorrow. But, by 5pm tomorrow, I will be in calmer waters and it should be pretty smooth sailing. Packing is unfortunately going well as I am finding anything and everything to do other than study for this final.

Dec 14
Surprisingly enough, Mot and Emo was not as horribly awful as I was prepared for it to be. I think it went pretty well, and James, Lauren and Gabby waited for me to finish so I could get a round of applause upon leaving the room :). Then I rushed off to return to Karklu since Mārtiņš convinced me to go to the mall with him to go shopping quickly. I needed to pick up some last minute things anyway, but had to quickly return to make dinner at 7. Unfortunately, those plans got changed as procrastination wins once again. But this gave me more time to finish my study guide for my Soc exam tomorrow, which really shouldn’t be too bad. Just one more thing to get over. Time keeps moving too quickly, and I really don’t like it.

Dec 15
This was the earliest that I had to wake up all semester, and I was not too happy about it. I’m so sorry for the rest of the Karklu guys that had 8:30 classes all semester, because it truly is awful. But my presentation went as well as it could, and I’m just glad it’s over. After class, Steph and I picked up Calvin to go to the bus station to buy our tickets for Friday night that would take us to the airport :(. The lady understood me well enough, and we got our correct tickets to Vilnius. It still hasn’t hit me yet, and I really don’t want it to until I get safely back in the States.
After mindless hours studying for my Sociology exam, it was finally time to get it over with. This finals week has been beyond annoying, but in a more mind-teasing way. I thought my Lithuanian verbal and Mot and Emo exams would kill me, and that my Lithuanian written and Sociology exams would be easily manageable. But no, it was the opposite. I don’t like the feeling of going into a final feeling like it’s going to destroy you, but having it be easier and less life threatening than you thought is a pretty good feeling. But then walking into a final thinking “I got this” and walking out thinking “That just kicked my butt” really sucks. That’s what happened with Sociology. To help me recover from my failed attempt at succeeding, Maksat and I went to watch the rest of our Moose basketball team play Klaipėda’s Tekoda team. Moose was down by 5 points at halftime and it was a close game for the rest of the remaining two quarters. But we, of course, came out with a win :).

Dec 16
I don’t think I’ve ever realized how much I truly enjoy a good caramel macchiato and chat with a good friend. Nastia and I went for one last trip to Max Coffee to chat before I have to leave tomorrow. Then, I had my last final tonight at 5:30: World Literature. Once again, my belief from yesterday (about failing the “easy” exams) held true and this exam was harder than what I was expecting it to be. But to go out on a happy note, I spent my last night in Klaipėda with some awesome people at Memelis.
Well, this is my last blog post from Europe :’(. I’m only writing about the morning part of today, but since it only consisted of packing, last minute double checks, and the check out procedure, I won’t bore you with all the other lackluster details. I will post another one about my weekend sometime eventually when I’m not completely exhausted. But at least this time I gain 7 hours instead of losing them!! Hellooooo sleep coma :)!!

Here are my traveling details:
Bus from Klaipėda to Vilnius- 7:30pm-11:00pm. Here I will be with Steph Shelly, Calvin and Gabby. After this part, I’ll be on my own.
Vilnius, Lithuania to Copenhagen, Denmark- 6:30am-7am (change clock back 1 hour)
Copenhagen, Denmark to Manchester, England- 8:30am-9:30am (clock back 1 hour)
Manchester, England to Philadelphia, USA- 11am-2pm (change clock back 5 hours)
Drive from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Jersey- 2:30pm-3:30 pm

Jersey, here I come :)

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